Most donations through Extra Life are made online, by the website, or through fundraising widgets on live-stream platforms like Twitch and YouTube. There are some instances where you might receive an “offline” donation (cash or check) from your supporters.

Follow this process to make sure you receive full credit toward your fundraising total and so that your chosen member Children’s Miracle Network Hospital gets these funds.

  1. Make checks payable to: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and have the donor write your name in the memo line.

  2. Add the offline donation to your Extra Life account.

  3. Complete the offline donation form.

  4. Mail the donation and the form to:

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
ATTN: Extra Life
205 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Double Your Total with Matching Gifts:

Make sure your donor submits their donation to their employer. Most companies will match donations made by their employees. If they don’t know how to do this, they can check with their Human Resources Department.

If your donor is giving you cash,

Please get a cashier’s check or money order and put your name in the memo line (we don’t want cash to get lost in the mail, right?)

Here are step-by-step instructions for adding your offline donation to your fundraising page